Friday, March 27, 2009

Meet Prep

I have not posted this week due to my prep for the meet next weekend. I am actually supposed to be doing a deload for the 5/3/1 training that I have been doing, but decided to get in the gear one last time and do this right. Benching is going as planned and in my tight shirt I have hit 380 and hope this is about where I end up. Maybe try for 390 though. My squat is running really well too. I hit it last Friday and got 480, but yesterday I hit 440 (+ 43lbs in chains) which is 483 at the top and about 460 at the bottom. It was my easiest set yet. 480+ is definitly in the bag. Deadlift is a bit sketchy as always due to overtraining this move and not allowing enough recovery. I hit 475, but it was slow and weak. Taking a week off of training will allow this to change though and I am planning on at least 500lbs. Over all I am aiming for 1360 and it seems pretty resonable. I am just doing conditioning this week and will wait till the meet to really post anything

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Next Meet April 4th, New Martinsville Works Fitness

Well, here it goes again. I am training for another meet that was decided on at the last minute, but I am happy I get the chance to head back to WV to compete in the USPF. I would rather do a sanctioned meet over a non sanctioned Monsters of the Bench Press & Deadlift. I will be at this meet though to help call numbers and give the hand offs to a team member. This should be a great day. Anyway, I weigh 225 right now and WILL ABSOLUTLY cut the last few pounds to make the 220 class. I will unfortunatly have to drive the hour to New Martinsville on Saturday morning for the weigh-in since I don't have the money for a hotel room. It's cool though. I will have my weight back up as I have already planned my meet day nutrition.
Planned Attempts:



I am still looking for my 1300 total if not more. I know it is right there and I will have it. Then for September it is on to 1400.
**Only supplements being taken at the moment are protein, carbohydrate powder, Optimum Nutrition CGT10, CLA, generic multivitamin/mineral, extra vitamin C, tribulus.

On a side note I did bench yester day and hit my 5/3/1 before I geared up in preparation for the meet.
255x1 (Pause)
Shirt (Tight Rage X)
360x1 (May hit 360-370 as a final attempt)
Halbert Pulldowns 5 Sets

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Deadlift Training 3x3

Deadlift 3x3
High Good Mornings 5x5

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Military Press 3x3

I ended up training today even though I was going to wait. I did a lot of stretching and then got into it.
Military Press
Dips 5 Sets (4 w/ 1/2" chain)
Shrugs 5 Sets
Halbert Pulldowns 4 Sets

Bench 3x5 & Squat 3x3

I realized that I missed posting my bench day on Saturday
Flat Dumbbells 5 Sets
Bent Over Rows 5 Sets

Back at it yesterday morning. With the weight loss I lowered my squat number from 380-390lbs to 350lbs just to give myself a buffer window to make sure I consistantly got a good training day in. I think though that I may have under estimated too much.

Lunges 5 x A lot (I am sore as hell!!!)
I got 9 reps here. I actually had probably 2 more in me, but I slowed significantly when I lost a little air in the bottom and felt my left knee come in a bit. The reps were fast and easy too.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Deadlift 3x5

Monster Stick (quads, hamstrings, traps, forearms, biceps, triceps, neck calves)
Foam Roll (abductor, adductor, upper back, arm pits)
Dynamic Stretching (hips, neck, chest, lower back, knees, ankles, hams, quads)
Static Stretching (chest, hip flexors, abs)

Glute/Ham Raises (Abdominal Bench) 4x12,10,8,8

Standing Abs x 20
Standing Left/Right Foot Forward 1x15/Each
Side Bends 1x15
Hanging Leg Raises 2x12 (10lb dumbell between feet)
BW Reverse Hyper 2x15 (2 second squeeze at top)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Beginning of the 5/3/1 Method - Military Press 3x5

Anyway, I started the 5/3/1 today since it was a military press day and I was curious about how I could do on these.

Military Press (165 1RM)
Dips - BWx17,15,12,10,5
Rear Laterals - 10x25, 15x15, 15x12
Halbert Pulldowns - 80x15, 100x12, 120x7

Well, I know that I should have taken the week off, but I feel really good right now. Surprisingly strong as hell and after my weekend carb load I am full at 228lbs. I have placed my calories at about 5000 right now and hope to hit it consistantly. If I feel strong later this month I may do the Monster of the Bench/Deadlift. I will deadlift only though.The (George) Halbert pulldowns are something I saw on Elite Fitness. I believe Chad Aichs does them. I realized that my weakest part on geared benching is touching and if I get strong at these maybe I will be able to pull the bar down more efficiently. I just lean back slightly and pull the bar down to the sternum just under the nipple line.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

USPF Pittsburgh - 1289 Total for 3rd Place

Well, where do I start? I weighed in on Friday night at 225. This is low as shit for the 242 class and probably should have been in the 220, but as I said I was just going to weigh in at whatever my body felt like doing. Cool with me. Matt McCase set up a great meet. It was nice being able to meet new people and see some I saw in Parkersburg WV last year. Watching all the lifters made me realize why I am here and the goals I want to acheive. I have a lot of hard work ahead of me and plan to put things into motion right away.

Squatting went way to easy.
Warm ups
Bar x 5, 135x2x5, 225x1x3 (added briefs), 315x1x1 (added Inzer TRX)

407.7 good
424.2 good
462.5 good

Warm ups
Bar x 2 x 5, 135x2x5, 225x3, 275x1 (added shirt)

336 good
352.5 miss (fucked up my lower back)
352.5 miss (felt like 500 w/ a tweaked back)

Warm ups
135x2x5 (briefs), 225x2x1, 315x2x1

429.7 good
457.2 good
490.5 good

Total - 1289lbs @ 225 (242 class) 3rd Place

I was 11 pounds off my mark and was pissed I didn't do the math earlier. I had it in me to hit over 1300. 490.5lb deadlift was easy. I just piss myself off and I have every pull.

Between the squat and bench I realized that I was feeling pretty shitty and shaky as hell. I was getting really dehydrated, but was worried about what to eat. I kept things easy so I don't mess with my stomach, but I short changed myself. After the bench and my back killing me I realized that I knotted up benching because I was dehydrated. I then drank a liter of water, 20oz gatorade, part of a Renegade drink, had a muscle sandwich bar and some pedialyte and started feeling better. Some Blue Heat on my back and my girl digging in with the Monster Stick and my back felt 100%, atleast until the meet was over.

Like I said, great meet and I am looking forward to possibly competing in Parkersburg again this year, but difinitly again in September for the USPF.
Just want to say thanks to Matt McCase and the Celli team for a great meet.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Update on USPF Pittsburgh Progress

I have not posted in a bit so here it goes.
I am just relaxing a bit before the meet this weekend. I am doing some cardio and recovery stuff. Mostly band traction shit and rotator work. I am also stretching and using my foam roller a little more as well as my Monster Stick. Probably about 3-4 times a day as soreness sets in from sitting in a chair or walking on concrete floors. It's all going as planned though. I went for my first deep tissue massage in about 2 months yesterday and it was good, but the knots are so deep and rough they were having trouble getting rid of them.

The thoracic outlet syndrome on my right side is drving me insane. There is nothing they can do for it except for surgery and I am not doing that any time soon. My whole right side of my body is disproportionate to the left and when I lift heavy my right arm swells as does my back making benching and squatting a bit difficult. My grip gets slightly weaker if the swelling hits my hand too. I have had this issue since December of 2007 and I have found ways of just strengthen things to get around it. I'm still to young for a surgery that will put me out for about a year if it is not detrimental to my success.

Anyway here it is. I am not dieting to get down to the 220 class. I am just going to eat and see what happens when I step on the scale Friday night. I am floating around 225-227 lbs @ 19.7%bodyfat. My gear is EXTREMELY loose and gives very little support so it feels as if this meet is a raw one sometimes. The only thing tight are my briefs, but they are still about 2 sizes too big. I should be in a 15, but they won't go over my quads so I am wearing a 19 that fit when I weighed 242lbs. Just as a reference I weighed in on November 1st in Parkersburg at 231 lbs (after a depletion) and got my weight back up to about 242 lbs. I was also about 23.5% body fat. Being fat really helped with strength, but things are different now, but for the better I guess.

Squat: Opener 407.7 lbs
Bench: Opener 336 lbs
Deadlift: Opener 429.7 lbs (May do this one raw anyway. My raw max is about 460 lbs)

All attempts are only slightly higher than my raw maxes (except deadlift) and not near what I wanted, with so little support this is what I am going to have to do to have a good meet. I am hoping for a total of 1300 or a bit over though I know with tight gear I should be about 100 lbs more than that. After the meet I am going to start training with Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 method. This is all going to be basic raw training to get my strength up as high as I can before I incorporate gear again. Plus the initial lighter weights are going to be a welcome relief. I will keep things updated as much as I can, but should have pics and videos up by Sunday or Monday.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Last Squat Session Before Deload!

Squat (wan't planning on going this heavy, but I was trying new things)135x2x5
315x2x1 (Added Briefs)
365x1 (Added Suit)
415x4x1 (3x Metal IPF Squatter, 1x Tight Inzer TRX)
435x2x1 (Reverse Bands -50 @ Bottom)

(407.7 is projected opener)
I had a 480 squat in my last meet. I weighed in at 231, but got my weight back up and my gear fit nicely. Things have drastically changed recently. I am eating my ass off, but after cleaning up the diet and loosing almost 20lbs I am staying at a constant 225-226.5lbs. This is a good thing, but since I am only cheating once or twice a week the gains I get from carb loading come off easily. I have always had an easy time losing weight, but gaining is normally a bitch. My gear is loose as shit now, but I am broke and don't have the dough to buy new or even have this altered. I am going to use my Inzer TRX in this meet even though I normally train in my Metal IPF Squatter. The hips are really tight, but with the weight loss I can actually get down in the hole now as you can see in the video. If there is an issue I will go back though. The straps are insanely to big and will actually fall down. I have no support in this area with the gear. Essentially it will be squatting with a pair of briefs that happen to have straps on them. I will get this fixed after the meet if I can, but I am training raw until about June, then occasionally incorp. gear until the meet in September.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Training Update

Alright, well the last few days have been kinda messed up. I have been lazy with the diet and have slept for shit recently. I don't know why though. Probably nerves with the meet coming up and the school shit that I should be doing right now. Its cool though. I weighed 226.5 this morining and have raised my calories to 3400 for today and tomorrow. Then to 3600 for Friday and Saturday.

Brief overview of recent training
DE Squat

DE Deadlift

Hip Machine 2x12
Glute/Ham Raises 4x8
Hyperextensions 5x10
Abs (Multiple Movements)

DE Bench
60% 185x8x3
Floor Press 3x5
Pushdowns 2x25
Hammer Curls 2x20
Rotator Pre-hab / Re-hab Work (A Lot)
Upper Body Sled Pull (Multiple Movements)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

ME Upper

Low Incline DB Bench
J.M Press
Pushdowns 2x25
Hammer Curls 2x20

Didn't have time to complete abs after ME Lower on Thursday
Standing Abs 1x20
Standing Abs (One foot in front) 2x20
Landmines 1x20
Leg Raises 1x20

Today I will do some upper body sled dragging for GPP work.

Friday, February 13, 2009

ME Lower

315x1 (Added Briefs)
405x1 (Added Metal IPF Squatter)
455x1 (Used a 1/2" Chain per Side)
465x1 (Looked hard, but felt really easy. I am using the suit much better now.)
Hyper Extensions w/ 45lb Plate 3x12-15
Seated Green Band Leg Curl 3x15

Bodyweight today was 224.5lbs

Wasn't planning on squatting, but I was feeling a little bit better and healed today and wanted to see where I was at. I was using a rather close stance on Sunday when I hit 445lbs and yesterday used a realtively wide stance and actually placed a box under me for depth.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yesterdays Conditioning & DE Upper

Yesterdays conditioning was a rough one. It will probably be the last really tough one that I will do going into the meet. I need to back off and conserver some energy. I sleep well though afterwards. It really kicks my ass. We used a deck of cards yesterday which took about 21 minutes and got my heart rate to about 187bpm.
Spades - 25lb Dumbbell Snatch
Hearts - BW Squats
Diamonds - Burpees
Clubs - Push Ups
**If you pulled a 10 of clubs you had to do 10 push ups, an ace was 11 as a king, queen, and jack were also 10's. All numbers were just that. It comes out to be 95 of each move total at the end. The burpees still suck ass.

DE Upper
60% - 175x10x3
3 Rep Floor Lockout @ 280lbs (Pin #2 about 3 board) - 1xClose, 1xMid, 1xWide (285)
Tate Press 2x20
Hammer Curls 2x20

Will drag sled later really light for upper body before I go to the new building.

Monday, February 9, 2009

DE Lower - 90% Test

50%x5x2 - 240
405x1 (
(445 Side View -
(445 Front View -
Sled Drag 275lbs - 3 Trips Forward & 3 Trips Backward

That was it for yesterday. I wanted more, but had a gym meeting and had to go work on the new place for a bit. I will do some conditioning work today, abs, and grip.Later

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Intense Conditioining Session

Quick and intense conditioning session today.

10 Minutes: 4 Cycles
10 Burpees
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Mountain Climbers
20 Dumbbell Cleans (35lbs)

50 Purple Band Pushdowns
20 Monster Mini Band Pull-Aparts
Incline Rotator Rotations 2x20

Friday, February 6, 2009

ME Lower & Upper

I know that I have not been keeping up on the logs lately, but right now my main focus is just getting in the training sessions and other school work. We are also in the process of starting to get a building cleared to move the gym in the very near future. Anyway, I have had a few really great training sessions this week that killed the lack luster shit that I have experienced recently with the weight loss and cold weather killing my knees and elbows.

Thursday – ME Lower
Concentric Suspended Good Morning (About 3” above the navel, feet shoulder width apart)135x2x3
405x3 (Added Chains) PR!!
Romanian Deadlifts 4x5 (Standing on bench w/ feet almost touching)
Leg Raises 3x10
Sled Drags 3 Forward 3 Reverse @ 275lbs

Friday – ME Upper (Normally Saturday, but shit happens)
Flat Bench
295x1 PR!! @ 225lbs
315x1 (Added 52 Rage X)
370x1 PR!!
315x2 (Added Chains)
Incline Dumbbell Extensions 5x8
Chest Supported Rows 3x10
Side Laterals 3x12
Hammer Curls 100 Reps (50x10, 40x10, 30x10, 25x10, 20x20, 15x40)

Both sessions were great and the pain is relatively gone. I have APT knee sleeves now that I am using and the raw bench shit today I had elbow sleeves. The tendonitis still comes back occasionally.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

DE Squat/DL & Bench

Hyper Extensions 4x10

Starting next Sunday I will be doing some different things and checking form for the meet at the end of the month.

Floor Press Lock Out 3x5x280 (Close, Mid, Wide Grip)
Tate Press 2x20
Hammer Curls 2x20
Upper Sled Work 2-3 Trips
Sled Drag 2 Plates 6 Trips

All weights felt really light. The floor press was on the 3rd pin about a 5 board. Next week I will use the 2nd pin.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

ME Upper / 1 Month Out

BW post-training – 228lbs

Reverse Band Bench (Pinky on Ring) – 135x10, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1
(Added Chains) – 295x2x1
3 Board w/ Chains (1.5” From Smooth) – 295x3x1
Face Pulls – 3x12

I will start to get my training back in order. This past week has been a bitch. Today there was a little time problem and I did not complete all the movements I wanted. I am carbing up as much as I can today and may end up pretty damn heavy tomorrow morning, but will go back to the regular diet tomorrow.

Friday, January 30, 2009

ME Lower / 30 Days Out

Weighed 225lbs this morning
Deadlift (Straight Weight)
455x1 - (Grinded this out cleanly. I was raw up to here. My old PR was 470lbs at 242lbs bodyweight so I think I am content with this.)
495x0 - (Put on the gear w/ little to no practice in it since the last meet. My form sucked.) 475x1 - (This came up great, but as always I slow drastically at about 3" above the knees. I will correct it and place this probably as my final attempt in the meet.)

Dimel Deads 2x225x15

Finished off here because I got really frustrated for some reason.

Friday 1/30/2009
Ghetto Glute/Ham Raises 4x8
Dimel Deads 2x135x20
Ab Wheel 4x6-8 (This thing still hurts like hell)

GPP - Was going to pull the sled (Insert excuse here Pennsylvania is getting so much fucking snow I was out shoveling the ramp in front of the gym. It is insane, the parking to is covered and I haven't had anybody since 9:00am. This blows. I also could not find my hoodie this morning so I was outside shoveling in a t-shirt and sweats.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Bodyweight 225lbs @ 20.3%bf
Round #1 - 60 Seconds Each
Burpees - 16
Waterball Clean & Press - 16
BW Squat - 26
Pushups - 30
2 Minute Rest - Heart Rate 153bpm

Round #2 - 45 Seconds Each
Burpees - 12
Waterball Clean & Press - 12
BW Squat - 20
Pushups - 30
1m30s Rest - Heart Rate 163bpm

Round #3 - 30 Seconds Each
Burpees - 8
Waterball Clean & Press - 8
BW Squat - 15
Pushups - 20
1m30s Rest - Heart Rate 170bpm

Round #4 - 15 Seconds Each
Burpees - 8
Waterball Clean & Press - 8
BW Squat - 8
Pushups - 13
Heart Rate 178bpm

Took 2 minutes for heart rate to return to 127bpm.
Sets + Rest = 15 Minutes Total Conditioning Session

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

DE Upper & Conditioning - 33 More Days

227.5lbs @ 9am on emtpy stomach

52.5% (Max Shirt Bench) 8x185x3
Hammer Strength Incline (Uber Close Grip) 3x8, 1x20 (Drop Set)
Purple Band Pushdowns 4x12
Chest Supported Row 4x10
Cable Face Pulls 3x15

Conditioning17lb Sledgehammer Swings - 50 Left / 50 Right (3m13sec)

I took very short rest breaks during the DE Bench today. Just long enough for my training partner to get his in and get off the bench. Everything felt great. Elbows are feeling good, but have a little discomfort at certain points, but not constant. Doing all the conditioning lately has really helped me out. I am tired as hell in the morning and don't care to get out of bed, but when I am lifting I am able to go forever. I don't seem to get tired and the lactic acid tolerance has defintily built up to a great extent. I meant to do some sled dragging, but I have not done so. I am doing other GPP work instead.

Oh yeah... Yesterdays GPP Conditioning
10 Burpees
20 Walking Lunges
10 Water Ball Clean and Press (Standing on a tire)
20 8lb Medicine Ball Slams

***** I bought Jim Wendler's e-book and skimmed it for the 5/3/1 training. After this meet I am going to take some much needed time out of gear. My next meet is not until September so I will do everything raw and try to gain some muscle and keep the weight down. I am training 3 days a week and doing conditioning on the off days. As Jim Wendler does I am thinking of doing hill sprints and other things outside as well as the conditioning training that I have done. I hope to get to drag the sled on the highschool football field if possible.*****

Monday, January 26, 2009

ME Upper & DE Lower Plus Vids

This past weekend was a little hectic, but I will always manage to train. My post is a little late though.

Saturday – ME Upper
Floor Press (Pinky on ring)
265x1 (Really light and very easy. This killed me last time, but my best is 285 @ 242lbs)

Shirt Work (Rage X 52)
315x2x2 (Presses of foam roll cut in half)
365x0 (weight was ok, but got tired)

Reverse Grip Bench (Triceps)

Dumbbell Rows 3x80x10
Sledge Hammer Swings - 50 reps to left 50 reps to right

Sunday – DE Lower
Pulldowns 4x10
50% Squats 8x240x3 (Purple bands under rack and extended with dumbbells. I wore loose Inzer briefs)
65%x315x1 (w/ bands)
85%x405x1 (Removed bands)
Back Attack 4x8
Standing Abs 4x12

Thursday, January 22, 2009

ME Lower

228lbs Pre-Training

Good Mornings (Shoulder Width Stance) 3RM
(Hit straps about 42” above ground, little higher than navel)
3x135x5 (2025lbs)
2x225x3 (1350lbs)
1x245x3 (735lbs)
1x265x3 (795lbs)
1x295x3 (885lbs)
1x315x3 (945lbs)
1x315x3 (Chains Added) (945lbs + Chains)
1x335x3 (1005lbs)
Total: 8685lbs

Cable Pull Through 2x80x12, 2x100x12
Hip Machine 2x150x12 (All Angles)
Plate Pinches w/ both Hands @ 6 Reps
(All plates were flat standard plates placed back to back gripping flat surfaces)
2 10's
3 10's
4 10's
2 25’s
2 35’s
2 45’s

I have a clip of the 335 w/ Chains Good Mornings that I am going to post when I get home. I will put that up at about 3pm or so. All weights felt really light. I really missed doing G/M because it is a move that I am really good at, for me at least. I really feel that it converts nicely into my squat and deadlift. This meet will be a good one I hope.

If I can get to about 225 (I raised my calories slightly) I will cut to 220 for the meet. If I am at 230 I will just fit in anywhere I can. A light ass 242lbs I guess. I filled out my application for the 220 class though and will send in the form today.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

DE Upper / 40 Days Out

Morning weight: 228lbs
Ok, here it goes. This was a long day and a lot of training occurred. I actually got 3 sessions in today. The first was the DE training session, second was conditioning, and third was another small GPP session. I actually feel really good and hopefully can do this a little more often.

Session #1
Warm UpPurple Band Smith Plex 2x10
Pull Aparts 2x10
40% Bench w/ Chains – 8x150x3 (3600lbs)
Dumbbell Bench – 100x6, 2x80x10 (2200lbs)
Chest Supported Rows – 4x90x6 (2160lbs)
Chest Supported Face Pulls – 2x90x10, 2x45x10 (2700lbs)
Total: 10,600lbs

Session #2
3 2 Minute Rounds (12 minutes total)
(Heart Rate was 180bpm at the end of each set and about 120-130bpm at the start)Burpees
Close Grip Plyo Pull Ups
8lb Ball Slams Jumping Jacks
(1 minute slow on recumbent bike to check heart rate, 1 minute rest)

Session #3
Ab Wheel – 3x10
Green Band Push Downs – 3x10
Traction Work w/ Green Bands (Shoulders and Lower)

Monday, January 19, 2009

DE Lower / 42 Days Out

230.5lbs this morning after carb load yesterday

Squat (Parallel Box)
47% (235) – 8x2 w/ Light Bands (Inzer briefs) (3760lbs)
67% (325) – 1x1 w/ Light Bands (Added Metal suit straps down to check form) (325lbs)
78% (375) – 1x1 w/ Light Bands (375lbs)
60% (300) – 8x1 Chains (2400lbs)
Hanging Leg Raises 4x10

Totals: 6860lbs

Had to cut it short, but continued on Monday morning. The speed was great. I did not relax on the box like normal. Relaxing has made my back round at the bottom and made things worse. I will rotate box one week and free DE squats the next.

Super Set (3 movements)
Glute/Ham Raise (Abdominal board still) 4x6
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 4x10
Jump Rope 4x30 Second

Sled Drag (Walk backwards down and forwards back)
4 Plates x 1 Trip
5 Plates x 1 Trip
6 Plates x 4 Trips (Last 3 trips carrying 70lb sand bag)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

ME Bench / Rage X (52)

Bodyweight this morning was 229.5lbs @ 20.6%bf. I am happy with this as long as my numbers improve. I am aiming for 1300lbs at the meet. I may be able to go a bit higher if these next few weeks go as planned.

Dynamic warm-up & some static stretching of biceps and forearms
1x0x300 (I will bench 300 again. Last time was @ 242lbs)

3 Board (Rage X Size 52) ****1 Size Too Big****
315x2 (Chest)
335x2 (Chest)

Floor Press 5x5
J.M. Floor Press 4x8
Face Pulls (Purple Band) 3x12

I skipped by lat work today due to the fact that I am having issues with a problem that occurred about a year ago. I got thoracic outlet syndrome (fancy term for “something is pushing against my traps and lats causing them to give a bigger pump to my right arm.”) My right arm will turn slightly purple and swell A LOT. This is ok though according to the chiropractor. The only way to get rid of it is surgery and it is not killing me. My back is very thick and strong and I can afford to miss 1 day.

***The Rage X I used is a size 52 that I picked up in Parkersburg at my first meet. The one that I have is a 48 and I am strong enough to touch, but not strong enough to press the weight that it takes to touch. The chest plate is loose, but when I jack it up and set it I can actually use it to my advantage. The weight was light and flying up today. I am back on track and refuse to miss another weight again. I will move back into the 48 eventually when I am strong enough to handle it.***

Friday, January 16, 2009

Getting Back to Training Tomorrow

I have taken the last week off from doing the heavy max effort work that I usually do. I actually feel a bit better now and have the fire back that I almost lost. I will work on a few different things with this next 6 week cycle leading up to the meet on February 28th. I am getting back to the usual Westside ways first off. My schedule because of the de-load will run Saturday to Friday. I know it’s confusing, but I am difficult.
Bench (Saturdays)
Week #1 – Floor Press (Floor Press in Shirt)
Week #2 – 3 Board (Shirt)
Week #3 – Ultra Wide Bench 6RM
Week #4 – Shirt Work (Chains)
Week #5 – Shirt (Opener to Chest, 2nd Sink into towel, 3rd to 2 Board)
Week #6 – Rest (Meet on Saturday)
A lot of dumbbell work will be added in for a little extra strength as well as rotator work and Halbert Swings.

Squat/Deadlift (Tuesdays)
Week #1 – Good Mornings 3RM
Week #2 – Suspended Good Mornings 5RM
Week #3 – Deadlifts (Chains)
Week #4 – Band Good Mornings (Hitting Opener on DE Day in Gear)
Week #5 – De-Load
Week #6 – Rest (Meet on Saturday)
I used to do a lot of G/M, but got away from them due to the frequency of others around me squatting all the time. This made me constantly squat and eventually over train. I could have avoided this, but I was stubborn as hell.

*** I am not looking to set any real PR’s at this meet. I know that it is a sin to think like that, but I have dropped to 229lbs today and have a month and a half to go. I may end up in the 220lb class. A squat I got at 242lbs will feel like a PR at 220lbs. I am just here to beat myself and no one else. September’s USPF Pittsburgh meet is where I want to set some real numbers.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

De-load (DE Upper)

Rolling Extensions 3x8x35 (840lbs)
Tate Presses 3x12x25 (900lbs)
Straight Arm Pulldowns 3x10x60 (1800lbs)
Front/Side Laterals 2x15x15 (900lbs)
Face Pulls w/ Band 2x15

Total Weight Lifted = 4,440lbs

I know that this is not of a concern to anybody but me, but I will include the total weight lifted for each movement to see how scattered each training session is. This will help with creating some consistency in my training. As my GPP goes up and recovery enhances these numbers will increase.
(3 sets x 8 reps/set x 35lbs = 840lbs total lifted)

Treadmill 20min @ 10am

Conditioning w/ gym member
Burpees - 30sec
Jumping Jacks - 30sec
140lb Sand Bag Shoulder Press - 30sec
Heavy Bag - 30 sec

2 minute rests

Sunday, January 11, 2009

De-load (DE Lower)

Agile 8 warm-up
Purple Band Pushdowns 5x20 (GPP Upper)
Single Leg Squats (Chains Around Neck) 5x10
*Glute/Ham Raise (Chains Around Neck) 4x8
Standing Abs 4x12
**Reverse Hyper 4x10
Leg Raises 4x10

* Glute/Ham Raise was done on abdominal board being that we don't have a Glute/Ham machine yet.
**Reverse Hypers were done over the preacher curl with mini bands attached to feet for resistance.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

De-load ME Upper

Dumbbell Floor Press (Purple band twisted around back) 4x8
Chain Suspended Push-Ups (Purple band twisted around back) 3x8
Standing Military Press 3x8
Barbell Rows 3x12
Face Pulls (on chest supported row) 2x15

Halbert Swings 2x20
Rotators 2x20
Feeling a little better mentally knowing that this week will be more of a de-load. I will hit some lower accessory tomorrow.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Game Plan

Alright, I have realized that shit has been fucked up lately and I am turning it around. I sat down last night for a few hours and wrote out my entire USPF training schedule. I went back to the basic Westside Template. I am doing all raw work outside of suiting up for the DE Squat/Deadlift and the occasional shirt work for the meet. I will take my openers in my shirt on week #5 and hit about 80% on my DE Squat day once or twice and about 90-95% on week #5. I have to go back and check and correct my form. I am wearing my Metal V-Type IPF Squat suit for both the squat and deadlift. I would try my Inzer TRX, but it is a bitch and tight as hell. This week is a de-load and a much needed one as I have said before. Starting tomorrow I will do some supersetting of movements, but not hitting any of the main lifts. I will also step up the cardio/sled dragging to ensure more muscle and GPP. I am confident I will succeed in the end. I am looking at about a 1300 total.
480 Squat
500 Deadlift
320 Bench

I know that in my last meet I hit a 480 squat and a 523 deadlift, but I am more concerned about learning how to bench properly and not have a second DQ in my second meet. Wish me luck!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Preparing for USPF Pittsburgh Feb. 28th

I know that this is a bad time to start a blog, but I am pissed and know I have messed up my training schedule. The holidays have been rough on me and I tried pushing through them and to no avail I believe that I have successfully overtrained for the first time in years. I squatted 515x3 to a high box 3 weeks ago, 480x1 for 3 sets last week and today 450 felt heavy. I have hit 480 in my first competition and now I am worried that I will fail miserably. I need a week to get my head straight. This week starting TODAY will be a deload and a much needed one at that. Then it is on to doing good mornings, zerchers, DE days and more. Getting back to the basics for the last 7 weeks. Next week will be just light accessory stuff. I need to heal an uncomfortable groin problem and tendonitis in my left arm. Everything is going to change today. I am making it change.

****Key note: My last training cycle I was training at 242lbs (22.8%bf) for 12 weeks. I have cleaned up the diet and have dropped to 231.5lbs (20.6%bf) and it has changed everthing. I want the numbers, but I am comfortable at this weight now. I will see what happens, but will eat up to the meet for weigh-ins and not worry about dropping anything. I want to stay hydrated and continue on a path of PR's!****
