Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Update on USPF Pittsburgh Progress

I have not posted in a bit so here it goes.
I am just relaxing a bit before the meet this weekend. I am doing some cardio and recovery stuff. Mostly band traction shit and rotator work. I am also stretching and using my foam roller a little more as well as my Monster Stick. Probably about 3-4 times a day as soreness sets in from sitting in a chair or walking on concrete floors. It's all going as planned though. I went for my first deep tissue massage in about 2 months yesterday and it was good, but the knots are so deep and rough they were having trouble getting rid of them.

The thoracic outlet syndrome on my right side is drving me insane. There is nothing they can do for it except for surgery and I am not doing that any time soon. My whole right side of my body is disproportionate to the left and when I lift heavy my right arm swells as does my back making benching and squatting a bit difficult. My grip gets slightly weaker if the swelling hits my hand too. I have had this issue since December of 2007 and I have found ways of just strengthen things to get around it. I'm still to young for a surgery that will put me out for about a year if it is not detrimental to my success.

Anyway here it is. I am not dieting to get down to the 220 class. I am just going to eat and see what happens when I step on the scale Friday night. I am floating around 225-227 lbs @ 19.7%bodyfat. My gear is EXTREMELY loose and gives very little support so it feels as if this meet is a raw one sometimes. The only thing tight are my briefs, but they are still about 2 sizes too big. I should be in a 15, but they won't go over my quads so I am wearing a 19 that fit when I weighed 242lbs. Just as a reference I weighed in on November 1st in Parkersburg at 231 lbs (after a depletion) and got my weight back up to about 242 lbs. I was also about 23.5% body fat. Being fat really helped with strength, but things are different now, but for the better I guess.

Squat: Opener 407.7 lbs
Bench: Opener 336 lbs
Deadlift: Opener 429.7 lbs (May do this one raw anyway. My raw max is about 460 lbs)

All attempts are only slightly higher than my raw maxes (except deadlift) and not near what I wanted, with so little support this is what I am going to have to do to have a good meet. I am hoping for a total of 1300 or a bit over though I know with tight gear I should be about 100 lbs more than that. After the meet I am going to start training with Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 method. This is all going to be basic raw training to get my strength up as high as I can before I incorporate gear again. Plus the initial lighter weights are going to be a welcome relief. I will keep things updated as much as I can, but should have pics and videos up by Sunday or Monday.


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